Petar (from Bulgaria) felt God leading him to full-time ministry during and after a summer internship in 2013. Femke's (from the Netherlands) first trip to Bulgaria with the team from her church was in 2011. Her love for …Read more
Flaviu was born in a large family of 11 children in the Petroșani area of Romania. He received a passion for Christ as a child, being inspired and led by his parents who he respects as worthy examples to follow. In 1999, …Read more
Daniel and Denisa met at a youth group camp with the Lutheran Church in Prešov, Slovakia. Daniel accepted Christ as his Savior when he was 16. After a year, he started to serve in his local church in Prešov as a member …Read more
In 2004 while in a JV nine-month internship program, Lukasz discovered his passion for middle school students and his calling to ministry. That same year he developed El Dorado, a camp and conference ministry in southern …Read more
In 1997, Michal, a young and inexperienced youth leader, was mentored by a Josiah Venture missionary who modeled Christ’s life and ministry. Soon he and his youth group began leading evangelistic English camps to reach their …Read more
Katya comes from a non-Christian Czech family and her first experience with Josiah Venture (JV) was at an English summer camp in 2009. She heard the gospel for the first time and was captured by it. She kept coming back …Read more
Šimon gave his life to Jesus at the age of twelve. At the age of fifteen, he started serving in the Lutheran church in Hanušovce nad Topľou, where he helped with the youth ministry. Later, he became part of the high school …Read more
Christian was born in Piatra Neamț, Romania but grew up in Turin, Italy—after moving with his family in the late 1990s. In 2014, he received the call to move to Romania without knowing exactly where God would direct him. In …Read more
Svyatoslav (Syava) has lived in Lviv, Ukraine all his life. He came to know Christ through a youth program at New Life church. Almost immediately after, he began to serve in the youth ministry, where he met his future wife. …Read more
Karel has been serving with Josiah Venture (JV) Czech (KAM) since 2008. He grew up attending a traditional church but never knew the Bible or God personally. He became a Christian while studying at the Technical University …Read more
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