Peter and Eva met while attending college in Žilina, Slovakia during the communist era. Together they were involved in pioneering a youth ministry in their local church. Married shortly after the Velvet Revolution, Eva began …Read more
Karel has been serving with Josiah Venture (JV) Czech (KAM) since 2008. He grew up attending a traditional church but never knew the Bible or God personally. He became a Christian while studying at the Technical University …Read more
Ingūna grew up in Riga, the capital city of Latvia. She became a Christian when she was seventeen through a local church youth ministry and served on the youth team for many years. It is here that she first learned about …Read more
Juljan was 14 years old when he became a Christian In Albania. Since his family was culturally Muslim, Juljan first found a copy of the Koran and read it cover to cover. The god described there seemed cruel and impossible …Read more
Zuzka comes from a small village called Ropice, located in Silesia, Czech Republic. She grew up in an evangelical church and, from the age of 15, was alternately on the youth team and in Sunday school. She studied theology …Read more
Bojan was born into an atheist family in Serbia, which was at that time part of Yugoslavia. He came to know Christ in his senior year of college. After finishing his masters in clinical psychology, he returned to his home …Read more
The faith of Ioani, commonly known as Xhoni has evolved gradually, starting from his early years. He began attending children's meetings, later advancing to youth ministry and personal Bible study. He became a Christian …Read more
In the Czech Republic, born-again Christians make up less than 1% of the population. The church is growing, but it will take 179 years before the number of Christians in the population reaches 1% unless someone starts doing …Read more
After 12 years of growing up in the same church, Samuel and Markéta started dating in 2017. Two years later, they got married and in the same year (just after finishing highschool), Samuel started to work for the IT department …Read more
Eva joined Josiah Venture (JV) in 2011 after participating as a student at the School of Youth Leaders in Slovakia. This school changed her view of ministry. It was there that Eva learned about discipleship for the first …Read more
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