David first came to Latvia in 2003 to work with international students and was shocked by their history and how many of his Latvian friends came from broken families. He became burdened for Latvian teenagers to encounter …Read more
In 1997, Michal, a young and inexperienced youth leader, was mentored by a Josiah Venture missionary who modeled Christ’s life and ministry. Soon he and his youth group began leading evangelistic English camps to reach their …Read more
Miriam has been serving with Josiah Venture (JV) since April of 2013. In 2006, she had an opportunity to work as a Youth Worker in Western Europe. Some years before that, she also worked as a volunteer in the Czech Republic. …Read more
Shortly after finding faith, Stojce prayed for deeper understanding and connection with his newfound Savior. Within months, he moved from Macedonia to Serbia to study theology. Discovering a passion for youth work, he …Read more
Lizzy first heard of Josiah Venture (JV) and its ministry in Central and Eastern Europe at a training conference in 2016, and she was captivated by their vision for reaching young people. That’s where she first felt called …Read more
Flaviu was born in a large family of 11 children in the Petroșani area of Romania. He received a passion for Christ as a child, being inspired and led by his parents who he respects as worthy examples to follow. In 1999, …Read more
Jany accepted Christ in 2001 at the age of 16. Two years later, Jany joined his youth group’s leadership team to help organize their first English camp in Prešov, Slovakia. In 2006, Jany took the leadership role for his …Read more
Kilian grew up in the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in the German countryside, hearing about faith his entire childhood. At the age of 12, he discovered the heart of the gospel and God's love at a camp, desiring to follow …Read more
Lukáš lives in the small town of Třinec in the Czech Republic. He grew up in a Christian family, attending church until he was 12. He became a believer when he was 21-years-old, thanks to the dedication of a missionary family …Read more
Andrii was born in Lviv, Ukraine, where he has lived his whole life. He began attending church through a friend. Through a summer camp ministry, Andrii started to understand what it meant to live with the Lord when he was …Read more
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