Pavlina grew up in Haviřov, where she lived with her family and attended the church that facilitated Josiah Venture’s (JV’s) first ever English camp. From a young age, she encountered the ministries of Josiah Venture and …Read more
Tsvetan and Maia have been serving in the youth movement with their church’s union for the last 30 years. They have been married for 25 years and have two kids, Georgi and Evgenia. During the previous several years, while …Read more
Kilian grew up in the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in the German countryside, hearing about faith his entire childhood. At the age of 12, he discovered the heart of the gospel and God's love at a camp, desiring to follow …Read more
Yoan and Nadia met for the first time at Sunday School. Yoan is a Pastor's child and is a 3rd generation Christian. At 18, he received his calling from God to minister to young people and dedicate himself to youth ministry. …Read more
Lizzy first heard of Josiah Venture (JV) and its ministry in Central and Eastern Europe at a training conference in 2016, and she was captivated by their vision for reaching young people. That’s where she first felt called …Read more
Dorin is living and serving in Galați; a city in South-East Romania, close to the Republic of Moldova, by the Danube River, a place with a great need for the good news and hope. After years teaching Romanian Literature and …Read more
Karel has been serving with Josiah Venture (JV) Czech (KAM) since 2008. He grew up attending a traditional church but never knew the Bible or God personally. He became a Christian while studying at the Technical University …Read more
Originally from Croatia, Judita and Mladen arrived in Slovenia in October 2008 with plans to further their education. Mladen had enrolled in a sports education program, while Judita began her studies at a music academy. …Read more
Henryk was born into a Christian family in the Czech Republic. He always had a great passion for sports and music, but since his childhood, he also had a desire to serve God and follow Him. He was baptized in 2011, and after …Read more
In 2004 while in a JV nine-month internship program, Lukasz discovered his passion for middle school students and his calling to ministry. That same year he developed El Dorado, a camp and conference ministry in southern …Read more
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