Viktor and Eva, a couple living in Bačka Topola, have a remarkable journey. After Viktor’s salvation, Eva became his youth leader, and together they started serving the Lord. Their shared passion for organizing camps for …Read more
In 2004 while in a JV nine-month internship program, Lukasz discovered his passion for middle school students and his calling to ministry. That same year he developed El Dorado, a camp and conference ministry in southern …Read more
Paul’s first experience with Josiah Venture was in 1998 when he and his wife Val brought a short-term team to serve at an English camp in the Czech Republic. It marked the beginning of a deep connection with JV and a burden …Read more
Jany accepted Christ in 2001 at the age of 16. Two years later, Jany joined his youth group’s leadership team to help organize their first English camp in Prešov, Slovakia. In 2006, Jany took the leadership role for his …Read more
Flaviu was born in a large family of 11 children in the Petroșani area of Romania. He received a passion for Christ as a child, being inspired and led by his parents who he respects as worthy examples to follow. In 1999, …Read more
Mykola came to Christ at age 14 in eastern Ukraine. He started to serve his church in the children's ministry and that developed into doing youth ministry. Later, he became a deacon in his church and also led the family …Read more
Dorin is living and serving in Galați; a city in South-East Romania, close to the Republic of Moldova, by the Danube River, a place with a great need for the good news and hope. After years teaching Romanian Literature and …Read more
Ruben was born to a Christian family in the northern region of Romania called Moldova and was raised with biblical values. He loved sports, having played soccer since he was young. He continued to develop his skills even …Read more
Karel has been serving with Josiah Venture (JV) Czech (KAM) since 2008. He grew up attending a traditional church but never knew the Bible or God personally. He became a Christian while studying at the Technical University …Read more
Bogdan and Diana are living and serving in Bucharest, the capital city of Romania, a place of beauty and great need for the Gospel. After years of discipling young women in Arad, western Romania, Diana moved across the country …Read more
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