Svyatoslav (Syava) has lived in Lviv, Ukraine all his life. He came to know Christ through a youth program at New Life church. Almost immediately after, he began to serve in the youth ministry, where he met his future wife. …Read more
Petar (from Bulgaria) felt God leading him to full-time ministry during and after a summer internship in 2013. Femke's (from the Netherlands) first trip to Bulgaria with the team from her church was in 2011. Her love for …Read more
Mykola came to Christ at age 14 in eastern Ukraine. He started to serve his church in the children's ministry and that developed into doing youth ministry. Later, he became a deacon in his church and also led the family …Read more
Zuza grew up in Poland. She believed in God from a very young age, but most of her life she was surrounded by people who thought God is only for Sunday mornings. She wanted to live differently. When she was 18, she attended …Read more
Lizzy first heard of Josiah Venture (JV) and its ministry in Central and Eastern Europe at a training conference in 2016, and she was captivated by their vision for reaching young people. That’s where she first felt called …Read more
Miloš began to take God seriously when he was 13 years old. He decided to get baptized as a symbol of surrendering the control over his life to Jesus. As a result, he did not hesitate to invest his energy into the ministry …Read more
Šimon gave his life to Jesus at the age of twelve. At the age of fifteen, he started serving in the Lutheran church in Hanušovce nad Topľou, where he helped with the youth ministry. Later, he became part of the high school …Read more
Zuzka comes from a small village called Ropice, located in Silesia, Czech Republic. She grew up in an evangelical church and, from the age of 15, was alternately on the youth team and in Sunday school. She studied theology …Read more
When Yulia and Sasha Pasichni decided to attend a teen outreach club hosted by New Life Church in Lviv, Ukraine, they had no idea how much their lives would change. It was there that these two teenagers not only met each …Read more
Peter started full-time ministry with Training Center Kompas (Josiah Venture’s partner organization in Slovakia) in 2004. Prior to this, Peter was a physics teacher and spent his free time with his youth group. Passionate …Read more
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