In 1997, Michal, a young and inexperienced youth leader, was mentored by a Josiah Venture missionary who modeled Christ’s life and ministry. Soon he and his youth group began leading evangelistic English camps to reach their …Read more
Dorin is living and serving in Galați; a city in South-East Romania, close to the Republic of Moldova, by the Danube River, a place with a great need for the good news and hope. After years teaching Romanian Literature and …Read more
Emīls grew up in a Catholic church in a small town of 3500 people in Latvia. His life changed when he started attending a local Josiah Venture Fusion group and eventually ended up joining the team to help out with teaching …Read more
Hanka grew up in Baška near Frýdek - Místek, and, in 2011, she started going to the newly established Fusion in Frýdlant nad Ostravicí. Thanks to this, she invited God into her life and became part of the local church. After …Read more
Viktor and Eva, a couple living in Bačka Topola, have a remarkable journey. After Viktor’s salvation, Eva became his youth leader, and together they started serving the Lord. Their shared passion for organizing camps for …Read more
Andrii was born in Lviv, Ukraine, where he has lived his whole life. He began attending church through a friend. Through a summer camp ministry, Andrii started to understand what it meant to live with the Lord when he was …Read more
Petar (from Bulgaria) felt God leading him to full-time ministry during and after a summer internship in 2013. Femke's (from the Netherlands) first trip to Bulgaria with the team from her church was in 2011. Her love for …Read more
In 2004 while in a JV nine-month internship program, Lukasz discovered his passion for middle school students and his calling to ministry. That same year he developed El Dorado, a camp and conference ministry in southern …Read more
Jana has been working with children and young people in the Czech Republic for more than 25 years. She worked after the Velvet Revolution as a Scout leader, a teacher at elementary schools, and a children's pastor. Inspired …Read more
Damaris grew up in a Christian family who raised her to know God and His Word. She gave her life to Christ when she was 12 years old at a children’s camp. Growing up, she had a passion for videography as a young YouTuber. …Read more
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