Vlad was born in Luhansk to believing parents. He decided to follow Jesus during a church camp in 2011 and began to serve on the worship team playing electric guitar. When the war started in 2014, Vlad moved with his family …Read more
Tino and Cristiana are living and serving the Lord in Constanta, Romania. Constanta is situated in South-East Romania, by the sea, and is a multicultural metropolis that hosts over fourteen different ethnic groups. Tino …Read more
Karel has been serving with Josiah Venture (JV) Czech (KAM) since 2008. He grew up attending a traditional church but never knew the Bible or God personally. He became a Christian while studying at the Technical University …Read more
Šimon gave his life to Jesus at the age of twelve. At the age of fifteen, he started serving in the Lutheran church in Hanušovce nad Topľou, where he helped with the youth ministry. Later, he became part of the high school …Read more
In 2015, God led Dorin and Anastasia to Orhei, Moldova, a vibrant city where young people from across the region come to study in colleges. Recognizing this unique opportunity to have contact with young people, they dedicated …Read more
Zuzka comes from a small village called Ropice, located in Silesia, Czech Republic. She grew up in an evangelical church and, from the age of 15, was alternately on the youth team and in Sunday school. She studied theology …Read more
Pavlo started following Christ in 2010 in Ukraine and felt immediately called into ministry. Since that time, Pavlo has been a key part of organizing three new churches. In 2018, he started Reconciliation Bible Church, where …Read more
Petar (from Bulgaria) felt God leading him to full-time ministry during and after a summer internship in 2013. Femke's (from the Netherlands) first trip to Bulgaria with the team from her church was in 2011. Her love for …Read more
Serhii grew up in a religious family in a city near Kyiv, Ukraine; however, he truly accepted Christ when he was 19. This path was not easy—he walked away from small addictions to freedom through salvation. In 2020, he …Read more
Mykola came to Christ at age 14 in eastern Ukraine. He started to serve his church in the children's ministry and that developed into doing youth ministry. Later, he became a deacon in his church and also led the family …Read more
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