Flaviu was born in a large family of 11 children in the Petroșani area of Romania. He received a passion for Christ as a child, being inspired and led by his parents who he respects as worthy examples to follow. In 1999, …Read more
Lukáš lives in the small town of Třinec in the Czech Republic. He grew up in a Christian family, attending church until he was 12. He became a believer when he was 21-years-old, thanks to the dedication of a missionary family …Read more
Elyse is passionate about helping young people find ways to make meaningful contributions in their families, churches, and worlds. She has been doing that through serving with Josiah Venture since 2018. She has primarily …Read more
Henryk was born into a Christian family in the Czech Republic. He always had a great passion for sports and music, but since his childhood, he also had a desire to serve God and follow Him. He was baptized in 2011, and after …Read more
Kilian grew up in the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in the German countryside, hearing about faith his entire childhood. At the age of 12, he discovered the heart of the gospel and God's love at a camp, desiring to follow …Read more
Vlad was born in Luhansk to believing parents. He decided to follow Jesus during a church camp in 2011 and began to serve on the worship team playing electric guitar. When the war started in 2014, Vlad moved with his family …Read more
When Baiba was 15, she became a believer through the local youth group. Two years later, she joined a local church youth-leader team and was introduced to Josiah Venture (JV) through a missionary serving with them. At the …Read more
Lelde was 14 when she became a Christian at a youth camp. She was first introduced to Josiah Venture (JV) in her second year of high school when her local pastor encouraged her to go to a leadership training run by JV Latvia. …Read more
Serhii grew up in a religious family in a city near Kyiv, Ukraine; however, he truly accepted Christ when he was 19. This path was not easy—he walked away from small addictions to freedom through salvation. In 2020, he …Read more
Pavlo started following Christ in 2010 in Ukraine and felt immediately called into ministry. Since that time, Pavlo has been a key part of organizing three new churches. In 2018, he started Reconciliation Bible Church, where …Read more
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