Ruben was born to a Christian family in the northern region of Romania called Moldova and was raised with biblical values. He loved sports, having played soccer since he was young. He continued to develop his skills even …Read more
Vitalіy was born and raised in Luhansk, eastern Ukraine. He accepted Christ and was born again in 2010 in a small, family-style church. Vitaliy attended seminary in the Department of Teenage and Youth Ministry at the Kyiv …Read more
When Baiba was 15, she became a believer through the local youth group. Two years later, she joined a local church youth-leader team and was introduced to Josiah Venture (JV) through a missionary serving with them. At the …Read more
Lukáš lives in the small town of Třinec in the Czech Republic. He grew up in a Christian family, attending church until he was 12. He became a believer when he was 21-years-old, thanks to the dedication of a missionary family …Read more
Henryk was born into a Christian family in the Czech Republic. He always had a great passion for sports and music, but since his childhood, he also had a desire to serve God and follow Him. He was baptized in 2011, and after …Read more
Peter started full-time ministry with Training Center Kompas (Josiah Venture’s partner organization in Slovakia) in 2004. Prior to this, Peter was a physics teacher and spent his free time with his youth group. Passionate …Read more
Originally from Croatia, Judita and Mladen arrived in Slovenia in October 2008 with plans to further their education. Mladen had enrolled in a sports education program, while Judita began her studies at a music academy. …Read more
Juljan was 14 years old when he became a Christian In Albania. Since his family was culturally Muslim, Juljan first found a copy of the Koran and read it cover to cover. The god described there seemed cruel and impossible …Read more
Jany accepted Christ in 2001 at the age of 16. Two years later, Jany joined his youth group’s leadership team to help organize their first English camp in Prešov, Slovakia. In 2006, Jany took the leadership role for his …Read more
Tomáš has always had a special affection for Josiah Venture (JV), being introduced to Christ through some of JV's missionary kids as a teenager in 2010. In the summer of 2012, he attended a Christian camp in Maine, which …Read more
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