Shortly after finding faith, Stojce prayed for deeper understanding and connection with his newfound Savior. Within months, he moved from Macedonia to Serbia to study theology. Discovering a passion for youth work, he …Read more
Damaris grew up in a Christian family who raised her to know God and His Word. She gave her life to Christ when she was 12 years old at a children’s camp. Growing up, she had a passion for videography as a young YouTuber. …Read more
Šimon gave his life to Jesus at the age of twelve. At the age of fifteen, he started serving in the Lutheran church in Hanušovce nad Topľou, where he helped with the youth ministry. Later, he became part of the high school …Read more
Andrii was born in Lviv, Ukraine, where he has lived his whole life. He began attending church through a friend. Through a summer camp ministry, Andrii started to understand what it meant to live with the Lord when he was …Read more
Ion lives and serves in Chișinău, the capital of Moldova. Moldova is a picturesque and unique country in great need of the gospel. He comes from an orthodox background and did not have a personal relationship with God until …Read more
Dusan and Dana have been married since 2008. They started dating while Dana was finishing her master’s degree at University of Malta. Dusan earned his Master of Economics in Prague and diploma in Business Administration …Read more
Gabriel grew up in south-east Romania in city called Constanta with a family filled with passion for Christ. They served as missionaries in Turkey amongst muslims for 4 years and later moved back to Constanta. It is a big …Read more
Christian was born in Piatra Neamț, Romania but grew up in Turin, Italy—after moving with his family in the late 1990s. In 2014, he received the call to move to Romania without knowing exactly where God would direct him. In …Read more
Lukáš lives in the small town of Třinec in the Czech Republic. He grew up in a Christian family, attending church until he was 12. He became a believer when he was 21-years-old, thanks to the dedication of a missionary family …Read more
Lizzy first heard of Josiah Venture (JV) and its ministry in Central and Eastern Europe at a training conference in 2016, and she was captivated by their vision for reaching young people. That’s where she first felt called …Read more
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