Milan grew up in a Christian family and became a Christian when he was 12 years old. He graduated from the Technical University of Ostrava and began his career in the investment department of a housing association. After …Read more
In 2015, God led Dorin and Anastasia to Orhei, Moldova, a vibrant city where young people from across the region come to study in colleges. Recognizing this unique opportunity to have contact with young people, they dedicated …Read more
Karel has been serving with Josiah Venture (JV) Czech (KAM) since 2008. He grew up attending a traditional church but never knew the Bible or God personally. He became a Christian while studying at the Technical University …Read more
Henryk was born into a Christian family in the Czech Republic. He always had a great passion for sports and music, but since his childhood, he also had a desire to serve God and follow Him. He was baptized in 2011, and after …Read more
Jana has been working with children and young people in the Czech Republic for more than 25 years. She worked after the Velvet Revolution as a Scout leader, a teacher at elementary schools, and a children's pastor. Inspired …Read more
Ruben was born to a Christian family in the northern region of Romania called Moldova and was raised with biblical values. He loved sports, having played soccer since he was young. He continued to develop his skills even …Read more
Juljan was 14 years old when he became a Christian In Albania. Since his family was culturally Muslim, Juljan first found a copy of the Koran and read it cover to cover. The god described there seemed cruel and impossible …Read more
Serhii grew up in a religious family in a city near Kyiv, Ukraine; however, he truly accepted Christ when he was 19. This path was not easy—he walked away from small addictions to freedom through salvation. In 2020, he …Read more
Petar (from Bulgaria) felt God leading him to full-time ministry during and after a summer internship in 2013. Femke's (from the Netherlands) first trip to Bulgaria with the team from her church was in 2011. Her love for …Read more
When Baiba was 15, she became a believer through the local youth group. Two years later, she joined a local church youth-leader team and was introduced to Josiah Venture (JV) through a missionary serving with them. At the …Read more
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