Tino and Cristiana are living and serving the Lord in Constanta, Romania. Constanta is situated in South-East Romania, by the sea, and is a multicultural metropolis that hosts over fourteen different ethnic groups. Tino …Read more
Flaviu was born in a large family of 11 children in the Petroșani area of Romania. He received a passion for Christ as a child, being inspired and led by his parents who he respects as worthy examples to follow. In 1999, …Read more
Šimon gave his life to Jesus at the age of twelve. At the age of fifteen, he started serving in the Lutheran church in Hanušovce nad Topľou, where he helped with the youth ministry. Later, he became part of the high school …Read more
Paul’s first experience with Josiah Venture was in 1998 when he and his wife Val brought a short-term team to serve at an English camp in the Czech Republic. It marked the beginning of a deep connection with JV and a burden …Read more
Jan was born into a Czech Christian family. When he was eighteen years old, he started to help lead the local youth ministry in Karviná, Czech Republic. Later, he became the main leader. Since then, he felt that his ministry …Read more
Lukáš lives in the small town of Třinec in the Czech Republic. He grew up in a Christian family, attending church until he was 12. He became a believer when he was 21-years-old, thanks to the dedication of a missionary family …Read more
Damaris grew up in a Christian family who raised her to know God and His Word. She gave her life to Christ when she was 12 years old at a children’s camp. Growing up, she had a passion for videography as a young YouTuber. …Read more
Natalia heard the gospel for the first time in 2006 and was captured by it. She immediately started volunteering and growing in her local church in Nowy Tomysl, Poland. Since then, she has been watching God’s movement in …Read more
Peter started full-time ministry with Training Center Kompas (Josiah Venture’s partner organization in Slovakia) in 2004. Prior to this, Peter was a physics teacher and spent his free time with his youth group. Passionate …Read more
In 2013, Ondra participated in a year-long internship program with KAM (Josiah Venture’s partner organization in the Czech Republic) called Journey. He has a passion for Czech local churches. Ondra is lead pastor in his …Read more
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