
A movement of God among the youth of Central and Eastern Europe that finds its home in the local church and transforms society.


To equip young leaders to fulfil Christ’s commission through the local church.

Core Values

Bold faith
Dynamic community
God-honoring excellence
Deep integrity
Indigenous empowerment

Key Convictions

The local church is the Bride of Christ, and everything we do must cause her to prosper.
Leaders transformed into the image of Christ will transform the world around them.
Both the mandate and model for ministry are found in the life of Christ.
Making disciples who make disciples accomplishes the Great Commission.
Ministry must be designed and driven by the Word of God.

Our Name

King Josiah began seeking God at age sixteen. By the time he was 26, God had used Josiah to bring revival to the land, rebuild the house of God, and restore the Word of God to its central place (2 Chr. 34). Central and Eastern Europe desperately needs its own Josiahs, young men and women who lead the way spiritually as this young king did.

Our Dream

Young people were the primary energy and momentum behind the revolutions that broke the power of communism in Central and Eastern Europe in the late 80’s. But a revolution that changes the government cannot change the hearts of people. The work is only half done. Young people must be reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The energy of youth must be mobilised into a mighty force for the Kingdom of God. The potential is clear. Central and Eastern Europe’s young people have already proved they can change the course of history. Now they must change the course of eternity.

This is the vision of Josiah Venture, a vision for a movement of God among the youth of Central and Eastern Europe that finds its home in the local church and transforms society. Our mission and calling is to equip young leaders to fulfill Christ’s commission by reaching and making disciples. More than just conversion, we want to see passionate followers of Jesus Christ, with a vision to reach and disciple their generation for Him.

We are committed to doing this through local church bodies since the church is the bride of Christ, and we have a responsibility to present her as a radiant bride. We want to build ministries that grow through multiplication not just addition, as leaders make disciples who are capable of making disciples. We long to see ministries base not just their content, but their philosophy and strategy as well on the Word of God. We are convinced that personal transformation is the first responsibility of any leader, since the image of Christ cannot be seen until it is present.

We value the bold faith we see modelled in the book of Acts, a dynamic community that functions as the body of Christ, excellence that draws attention to God, the kind of integrity that permeates unseen corners, and the empowering of indigenous leaders to reach their own people.